

John Paul Mason

John Paul Mason is a rebirthing breathwork practitioner who has been working with clients and deep trauma for the last 9 years. He has particular expertise in working with sexual trauma and abuse, helping clients to resolve and reclaim the past so they can feel empowered to live fulfilling lives. He works with clients one-one both online and in person and runs regular workshops, online courses and trainings for counsellors and other therapists to help them integrate breathwork into their own practice.

You can find out more about John Paul and his work through his website.

The experience of childhood sexual abuse can remain hidden from a client’s awareness for many…
How can we use breathwork to tap into the wisdom of the body? And how…
Trauma is a highly dysregulating force and it impacts on the body in a plethora…
What does it mean to awaken? And if there is such a thing, how can…
Do you work with sexual trauma and abuse? Would you like to help your clients…