
Breathwork for Personal Awakening Workshop with John Paul Mason

What does it mean to awaken? And if there is such a thing, how can...

Last updated 3 May 2024
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What does it mean to awaken?

And if there is such a thing, how can it help you in your life?

Workshop Details 

In this introductory workshop, you‘ll learn how breathwork and trauma resolution can help open you up to deeper levels of insight, growth and embodied wisdom. Harnessing the power of the breath will enable you to get more present to yourself and your clients, create a space of emergence for new possibilities to arise and develop your intuitive capacity to hold space for those you work with.

This is an experiential workshop where you will learn a breath process that you can take away and practice to get more embodied and present.

What you’ll Learn:

  • How to use your breath to connect to deeper levels of presence
  • Accessing the wisdom of your own body
  • Dissolving conditioning to reveal your true self
  • Resolving trauma as a doorway to awakening
  • Bridging the gap between spiritual practice and your everyday life
  • Tapping into the breath as a source of creativity and self expression
  • Creating what you need for your life – just by breathing
  • Breathwork for self empowerment – we are all our own gurus

In many cultures (including our own) the word for the breath is the same as ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’. Learning to harness the power of your own breath gives you access to an ever present, always accessible and free source of inspiration – in the truest sense of the word.

This workshop is experiential in nature and you will have the opportunity to experience the breath practice for yourself with a 30-minute guided session. For this session please have somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down, with cushions/pillows and a blanket so you can really allow yourself to relax and get the most from the session.


The breathwork process is mostly a deep relaxing experience but can also result in physical or emotional release. As such, certain conditions are contraindicated. Please inform Online Events either before the workshop or John Paul during the session if you have any of the conditions below. You can still participate in the workshop and John Paul will guide you appropriately.

  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • Glaucoma or detached retina
  • Heart disease
  • Epilepsy
  • History of psychosis, bipolar or schizophrenia

Course Content

Breathwork for Personal Awakening Workshop with John Paul Mason


John Paul Mason

John Paul Mason is a rebirthing breathwork practitioner who has been working with clients and deep trauma for the last 9 years. He has particular expertise in working with sexual trauma and abuse, helping clients to resolve and reclaim the past so they can feel empowered to live fulfilling lives. He works with clients one-one both online and in person and runs regular workshops, online courses and trainings for counsellors and other therapists to help them integrate breathwork into their own practice.

You can find out more about John Paul and his work through his website.