

Jo Grace

I am a trauma informed therapist with a Diploma in TA Psychotherapy. I have also worked as a Play Therapist, Yoga and Dance teacher and Emotional Education facilitator for 20 years. I have a background in the Arts and Theatre and use my skills constantly within my practice. I currently have a 1:1 practice as well as running Therapeutic Arts and Training groups with a range of different people. My other passions include nervous system regulation and neuroscience to inform the work I do. I find the combination of creative with science information a powerful duo for clients.

TA is a powerful modality for supporting a client to understand their intra and inter…
This workshop will introduce the theory of the 7 Circuits of Emotion with specific focus…
In this 2 hour workshop I will focusing on the work of Jaak Panksepp and…
In this 2-hour workshop I will introduce the work of Jaak Panksepp which has been…