Working with Hopelessness and Powerlessness Workshop with Geoff Hopping
I have been working as a UKCP Registered Psychotherapists, Supervisor and Trainer for over 30...
I have been working as a UKCP Registered Psychotherapists, Supervisor and Trainer for over 30...
This workshop explores the Bystander role (Clarkson, 1987) in greater depth and redefines its position...
In this workshop, Mark will be discussing a number of issues which arise when working...
At this workshop I will present a theoretical framework for how we can do this...
We are all likely to experience clients with Personality Disorders in our therapy rooms. Contemporary...
In this workshop Cathie will talk about the non-medical model of what it means to...
How did your experience of school affect how you are now ? What Script decisions...
Have you worked with clients who feel stuck? Have you had times when you have...
The Art of Jin Shin is a simple and effective Japanese energy healing modality, similar...
We welcome back Will Daniel-Braham as we join him on his quest. The title of...