Boarding School Trauma: Healing in the Therapy Room and Beyond Workshop with Jane Barclay

1 workshop over 2 evenings to enhance therapists’ understanding, compassion and competence working with this...

Last updated 3 May 2024
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1 workshop over 2 evenings to enhance therapists’ understanding, compassion and competence working with this client group, deemed ‘privileged’, yet struggling with issues of intimacy in relationships, of achievement, of identity. Participants will have the opportunity to bring client material to explore.

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • To understand clients’ attachment to their ‘Survival Persona’, constructed at a young age in absence of available nurturing adults.
  • To increase confidence meeting denial, avoidance, debilitating shame, and acting-out behaviours.
  • To honour the need for plentiful supervision as well as therapy if indicated.

Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?

  • Therapists who already work with this client group, and those who may be without realising – since many clients omit to mention boarding unless specifically asked about schooling, and even then, may brush aside. Therapists who have been to Boarding School, and therapists who have not, are equally welcome.

How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?

  • Increased awareness will increase both competence and compassion, which in turn will increase confidence and the willingness to ‘stay with’ rather than attempt to fix.

Course Content

Boarding School Trauma: Healing in the Therapy Room and Beyond Workshop with Jane Barclay


Jane Barclay

Jane qualified as a Therapeutic Counsellor in 2000, and accredited with UKAHPP in 2010 as a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor. In addition she has trained in Somatic Trauma Therapy with Babette Rothschild, and in the Boarding School Experience with Nick Duffell and Joy Shaverien.

Since 2010, working with adults who went to boarding school, partners of boarder, and children of boarders has been her specialised client group. Passionate to raise awareness and bring to light the abuse inherent in the continued practice of sending children away to elitist establishments under the guise of ‘privilege’, she was a director of Boarding Concern from 2012-2015, and has published a number of articles, including ‘Class, Prejudice and Privilege’ in Self & Society, the journal for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners.