
Jane Barclay

Jane qualified as a Therapeutic Counsellor in 2000, and accredited with UKAHPP in 2010 as a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor. In addition she has trained in Somatic Trauma Therapy with Babette Rothschild, and in the Boarding School Experience with Nick Duffell and Joy Shaverien.

Since 2010, working with adults who went to boarding school, partners of boarder, and children of boarders has been her specialised client group. Passionate to raise awareness and bring to light the abuse inherent in the continued practice of sending children away to elitist establishments under the guise of ‘privilege’, she was a director of Boarding Concern from 2012-2015, and has published a number of articles, including ‘Class, Prejudice and Privilege’ in Self & Society, the journal for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners.