Boarding School Trauma: Healing from Sanctioned Child Abuse Part 2 Workshop with Jane Barclay

Workshop Details  After exploring the trauma of experiencing boarding school, and looked at the healing...

Last updated 3 May 2024
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Workshop Details 

After exploring the trauma of experiencing boarding school, and looked at the healing process, I introduce the concept of sanctioned child abuse, and the wider implications in terms of caring, or not, for the planet ie the home that nurtures us.

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • Understanding cultural as well as familial acceptance of boarding schools in terms of sanctioned child abuse
  • Considering wider implications of ‘colluding’ with the normalisation / acceptance of boarding schools
  • Trust that there are many who already understand the above and are pro-active in raising awareness

Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?

  • Therapists, including those who work within boarding schools, and those in ‘helping professions’

How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?

  • By validating clients who do disclose any distress from their experience of boarding school, and by responding to silence and/or ‘I had a great time’, from understanding defences of avoidance, denial and dissocation

Course Content

Boarding School Trauma: Healing from "Sanctioned" Child Abuse Part 2 Workshop with Jane Barclay


Jane Barclay

Jane qualified as a Therapeutic Counsellor in 2000, and accredited with UKAHPP in 2010 as a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor. In addition she has trained in Somatic Trauma Therapy with Babette Rothschild, and in the Boarding School Experience with Nick Duffell and Joy Shaverien.

Since 2010, working with adults who went to boarding school, partners of boarder, and children of boarders has been her specialised client group. Passionate to raise awareness and bring to light the abuse inherent in the continued practice of sending children away to elitist establishments under the guise of ‘privilege’, she was a director of Boarding Concern from 2012-2015, and has published a number of articles, including ‘Class, Prejudice and Privilege’ in Self & Society, the journal for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners.