Explore the Dream Time and Create Your Own Dream Wheel Workshop with Lisa Francesca Lewak

Dreaming and the dream time are important aspects and concepts for the Aboriginal Peoples of...

Last updated 26 October 2024
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Dreaming and the dream time are important aspects and concepts for the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia and the Native Americans. Both peoples have tools and skills based on their beliefs and practices of dreaming. In fact the art of dreaming is a key foundation stone to their lives.

Dreams are understood to offer practical and spiritual guidance and the indigenous people work with dream lines, dream songs, dream tracks, portals, sites, locations, rituals and ceremonies. In Iroquois villages the children were brought up to remember their dreams, as the first business of the day was dream sharing. Everyone would gather and share the past nights dreams, as they knew these dreams contained guidance for the whole community.

The first part of this workshop will be an overview of the indigenous perspective of dreaming and dreams and how dreams can potentially offer us insights into our own lives. Theories say that dreaming allows us to process information, better understand our emotions, deal with everyday issues and even offer solutions to challenges we are facing. So, working with our dreams can be valuable and beneficial to us.

“All states are dream states” believe the Native Americans. So, whether you remember your dreams or not, you will be pleased to know that there are other levels of consciousness that offer you gateways to dreaming; such as day dreaming and conscious dreaming.

In the second part of the workshop we will look at different dream states and types of dreams. Then, discover the Dream Wheel and its components so you can create your own wheel and learn to use it as a navigational tool in the dream world to receive messages that can guide your life.

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • Learn about different dream states
  • Gain an overview of indigenous perspective of the dream time
  • Understand and explore the dream time
  • Create your personal dream wheel
  • Learn how to use your dream wheel to navigate the dream time
  • Gain tools for working with dreaming

Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?

  • This workshop is for Coaches, Practitioners, Counsellors, Therapists, and all those curious about their own development.

How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?

  • This workshop offers practical tools and strategies to add to your toolbox, whether as a coach, practitioner or counsellor, to aid your clients.


Lisa Francesca Lewak

Lisa Francesca has been working with Dreams all her life. Through over 20 years of Shamanic work she has explored many aspects and levels of the Dream World. As a Transformational Dream Coach and International Relationship Coach she specialises in using dreaming as a tool for healing unprocessed childhood programming and the repeated cycles of toxic relationships. She works with different states of dreaming; sleep dream, awake-conscious dream, ambitious dream, as well as, conscious dream journeying as a technique to break old patterns and create new ones.

Lisa is the Founder & Director of Going Beyond Global; a holistic clinic, school and centre. Lisa guides and accompanies people on their journey to wholeness and wellness through workshops, courses and sessions both online and 1 to 1. Her very integrative approach encompasses: Dream work & Coaching, Life-Work-Relationship Change Management, Healing Childhood Trauma and Toxic Relationships, Core Belief Work, Energy work, Shamanic and Spiritual work.