
Lisa Francesca Lewak

Lisa Francesca has been working with Dreams all her life. Through over 20 years of Shamanic work she has explored many aspects and levels of the Dream World. As a Transformational Dream Coach and International Relationship Coach she specialises in using dreaming as a tool for healing unprocessed childhood programming and the repeated cycles of toxic relationships. She works with different states of dreaming; sleep dream, awake-conscious dream, ambitious dream, as well as, conscious dream journeying as a technique to break old patterns and create new ones.

Lisa is the Founder & Director of Going Beyond Global; a holistic clinic, school and centre. Lisa guides and accompanies people on their journey to wholeness and wellness through workshops, courses and sessions both online and 1 to 1. Her very integrative approach encompasses: Dream work & Coaching, Life-Work-Relationship Change Management, Healing Childhood Trauma and Toxic Relationships, Core Belief Work, Energy work, Shamanic and Spiritual work.