This session offered an introduction to a series of 4 events that followed during October and November 2017. The aim of the events was to provide an up-to-date overview of the opportunities and challenges that existed for therapists working in a technological age in 2017.
Each individual session responded to a different theme. The complete series helped therapists to make informed choices about the use of computerised technology within their work, explore safety concerns, reflect on ethical challenges and direct them to sources of support, advice and further training.
The events were of interest to counsellors who incorporated a variety of technological approaches into marketing their services, managing their practices etc. They were also aimed at practitioners who were offering (or considering offering) online therapy, perhaps through web-cam/video sessions, audio or telephone communication, via instant messenger (IM) or through email.
Kate and Carole aimed to make the events interactive. At this first session, they introduced themselves, described their backgrounds and interests within the field, as well as set the scene for the programme ahead. Those who attended live had a chance to raise points of interest for inclusion in the subsequent sessions.
Course Content

I am a counselling psychologist working in private practice.
I currently provide therapy and supervision both face-to-face and online, run trainings for therapists considering working online (and other mental health/staff resilience areas), and business coaching for therapists setting up an online practice.
My doctoral research was in the Online Therapeutic Relationship from which I also became fascinated by online communications in broader contexts, especially where these impact on the work of therapists and the experiences of clients.
I have recently been taking a look at what can happen to compassion when communicating in online contexts and after a personal experience, produced a set of Netiquette guidelines which have been adopted by several organisations.
I research and write articles which particularly focus on the therapeutic relationship in online spaces, and look to support fellow therapists by keeping up with current dilemmas.

Kate is a psychotherapeutic counsellor, supervisor and trainer/consultant working in private practice, both face-to-face in the room and online using digital technology. She previously worked in a Higher Education setting as a counsellor. She has been working with clients and supervisees online since 2008 and has a special interest in the online therapeutic relationship, which has been the subject of her research, which has been published in a number of books and journals.
She and John, together with their colleague, Carole Francis-Smith, have presented a number of workshops and events for Onlinevents which can be found at