Transformational Journeys: Love, Acceptance, and Personal Growth in Relationships

Ever wished you could find a secret formula to transform your relationship? That’s exactly what...

Last updated 13 December 2024
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Ever wished you could find a secret formula to transform your relationship? That’s exactly what we unravel with relationship coach Matthew Pruen, as he delves into the heart of commitment, personal growth, and the magic of accepting your partner unconditionally. With his roots in both Arab and English cultures, Matthew’s unique perspective helps us understand the true essence of accepting and loving each other as fellow humans.

Our exploration continues as we shed light on the power of emotional intentional experiences on personal growth and spiritual development. We reminisce about childhood, revealing how it holds the key to understanding our deepest emotions and kick-starting a journey of self-discovery. Through the lens of the transformative Hoffman process, we learn to appreciate the evolution of consciousness and the unneurotic spiritual self.

Finally, we confront realities about relationships and commitment that often get buried under romantic fantasies. Relationships, as we discover, are more than just shared love; they’re about shared growth, with adversity acting as the catalyst. Inspired by the lessons from my book, “Slay your Dragons With Compassion”, Matthew shares his understanding of commitment as an unconditional acceptance of your partner. Get ready for an insightful exploration of commitment and self-growth within relationships. Join us, and start your journey of building stronger, deeper connections.


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Malcolm Stern

Malcolm Stern has worked as a group and individual psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He was a co-founder of Alternatives at St James’s Church in London and runs groups internationally.

He is the author of Falling in Love / Staying in Love (Piatkus 2004) and Slay Your Dragons with Compassion ( Watkins 2020). He co-presented Channel 4’s relationship series, ‘Made for Each Other’ in 2003 and 2004 and sailed on the ‘Rainbow Warrior’ with Greenpeace in the 1980s. The book he is currently writing is an exploration of the shadow and its necessity in our evolutionary development.

Slay Your Dragons Podcast

Malcolm Stern in conversation with guests overcoming & thriving through adversity.