

Malcolm Stern

Malcolm Stern has worked as a group and individual psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He was a co-founder of Alternatives at St James’s Church in London and runs groups internationally.

He is the author of Falling in Love / Staying in Love (Piatkus 2004) and Slay Your Dragons with Compassion ( Watkins 2020). He co-presented Channel 4’s relationship series, ‘Made for Each Other’ in 2003 and 2004 and sailed on the ‘Rainbow Warrior’ with Greenpeace in the 1980s. The book he is currently writing is an exploration of the shadow and its necessity in our evolutionary development.

In this deeply compassionate workshop, Malcolm Stern guides participants through the heart of grief to…
Workshop Details Malcolm will present the ethos behind his groundbreaking book “ Slay your dragons…
The safety we bring to our practice as therapists and counsellors is essential to build…
Relationships have been understood, as an environment where personal development is a major part, only…
There is a fine balance to be struck when giving therapy. There is the rule…
Trauma is inevitable in our lives. This experiential workshop will look at the ways in…
We will explore experientially what it means to feed our darkness and the subtle seduction…
Once the shadow is outed from its hiding place in our psyches, it loses its…
Many of us were trained to withhold our own feelings, when working with clients. In…
Until we reach a certain stage in our evolution not only do we need the…