Bariatric surgery is often a last resort for many people in their fight to lose weight. The understanding of psychological impact of this treatment is woefully inadequate and clients are often left to manage the psychological impact alone while the focus is on their success in terms of what the scales say.
For those on the NHS journey it can be a slow process and many opt to have surgery privately in the U.K. or abroad. Surgeries can be booked almost immediately after a consultation without any form of psychological assessment carried out to understand whether surgery is the right option for someone’s mental health.
Generally after the initial 6 months the buzz of the physical changes diminishe, the individual then has to face the biggest challenge of bariatric living. As well as often drastic change physically clients also need to cope with the psychological changes that come with a body changing at a speed the brain can’t keep up with.
This short Masterclass provides a full overview of the bariatric process through each of its life stages, highlighting the key psychological challenges for the bariatric patient at each stage and the key focus areas that lead to successful outcomes and freedom from distressed eating. We will also be looking at the nutritional requirements & also considering Neurodivergent clients.

Bernie Wright BACP (Accred) Counsellor/ Clinical Supervisor & Trainer specialising in Eating Disorders and Obesity.

Psychotherapist & Author (NCS Acred),
Kim is an NCS Accredited Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist supporting Bariatric patients both pre-surgery and post-surgery. She is the founder of 8Wise™ a unique model for improving mental health and wellbeing and Weight Wise WLS, an online support group for Bariatric patients. Kim has published five books and is the host of the Live The 8 Wise Way podcast, teaching people the 8Wise™ methodology and how to implement it into their lives for better mental health and wellbeing.

Lisa Smith Qualified Nutritionist (specialising in Eating Disorders and Obesity) Senior Lecturer at Brighton University)

(MSc. RNutr)
Mel is a highly experienced registered nutritionist specialising in intuitive eating, non-diet nutrition and counselling for eating disorders and disordered eating, chronic dieting, weight and body image concerns, all through a compassionate and HAES lens. Mel was a senior lecturer in nutrition and physiology for over 22 years. Working with healthcare professionals she has become passionate about tackling weight stigma and anti-fat bias in healthcare. After recovering from an eating disorder herself, it is Mel’s mission to help folk who find food takes over their life, find the peace and freedom they deserve.
No matter what you’ve been told or led to believe about diet and health . . .
You do not have to “prove” you are struggling.
You are valid in your pursuit of better health that respects your body’s needs.
Your experience is real and you deserve care!

This workshop in a collaboration between the Link Centre and Onlinevents
At the Link Centre we pride ourselves in delivering high quality options tailored to needs of clients and delivered in a relaxed, comfortable yet stimulating environment in which people feel safe to learn and develop. We work with individuals, groups, organisations, and educational establishments using the depth of our psychological knowledge, to facilitate growth and development.
Our training centre is located in the heart of the countryside, in Plumpton, East Sussex. It provides a variety of training rooms, extensive parking, and disabled access, to help meet the needs of individuals attending our courses. As well as this the centre has extensive grounds that can be enjoyed during lunch and tea breaks.
We also offer in-house coaching, training and consultancy that is tailored to the needs of our customers.
Our trainers and consultants are all fully qualified, experienced, skilled and accredited to both national and international level.
For more information about The Link Centre Visit