Mel Wakeman
(MSc. RNutr)
Mel is a highly experienced registered nutritionist specialising in intuitive eating, non-diet nutrition and counselling for eating disorders and disordered eating, chronic dieting, weight and body image concerns, all through a compassionate and HAES lens. Mel was a senior lecturer in nutrition and physiology for over 22 years. Working with healthcare professionals she has become passionate about tackling weight stigma and anti-fat bias in healthcare. After recovering from an eating disorder herself, it is Mel’s mission to help folk who find food takes over their life, find the peace and freedom they deserve.
No matter what you’ve been told or led to believe about diet and health . . .
You do not have to “prove” you are struggling.
You are valid in your pursuit of better health that respects your body’s needs.
Your experience is real and you deserve care!