Self-Care Is Not an Act of Selfishness, It Is an Act of Consciousness – Jenny Florence

Self-care is one of those things that we all recognize we should do, and as...

Last updated 5 August 2024
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Self-care is one of those things that we all recognize we should do, and as therapists, it is certainly something that support in our clients. But do we really walk our talk?… Do we really embrace this principle in our own lives?…

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Self-Care Is Not an Act of Selfishness, It Is an Act of Consciousness – Jenny Florence


Jenny Florence

I am the Founder of the A-Z of Emotional Health on-line Library which is a Free Public Resource dedicated to promoting Emotional Health and Wellness. I am the Author of two #1 International Bestselling books, “7 Steps to Spiritual Empathy” and “Mindfulness Meets Emotional Awareness”. I am also a Huffington Post blogger and contributor.

Having previously worked in Private Practise as a UK Accredited Counsellor for over 26 years, I have chosen to take a career change and prioritize my writing and speaking to raise the awareness of emotional literacy.

I speak and write about the role of emotions and the complex psychological principles that underpin our therapeutic work in a language that is accessible to both professionals and lay people alike, combining the knowledge of emotional intelligence with practical and pragmatic support.