3 Lessons
Who Needs Value? How to Market Yourself as a Supervisor Workshop with Stuart Hillston
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Have You Covered All Your Bases with Your Supervision Service? Part 2 Workshop with Karin Brauner
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Have You Covered All Your Bases with Your Supervision Service? Part 1 Workshop with Karin Brauner
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Intercultural Supervision: Perspectives and Insights Workshop with Baffour Ababio and Ali Donat
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Independent Supervisors Network (ISN) hosted by Joan Wilmot and Robin Shohet
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Super Sensing: Experimenting with Stones in Supervision Workshop with Dr. Clare Beckett-McInroy
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An Isolated Sector: Thinking about Holistic Self-Care in Private Practice Workshop with Caz Binstead
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Why the Space You Come from Matters Workshop with Fiona Lukeis
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International Supervision Week 2023 Opening hosted by Joan Wilmot and John Wilson
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2 Lessons
Client Notes: Are Yours Accurate and Appropriate? (BACP REQUIREMENT) Workshop with Keemar Keemar and John Wilson
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