
An Isolated Sector: Thinking about Holistic Self-Care in Private Practice Workshop with Caz Binstead

One of the difficulties of working in private practice, is the levels of isolation that...

Last updated 15 July 2024
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One of the difficulties of working in private practice, is the levels of isolation that therapists can face. For all of the many plus points of working in this sector, this realistic fact can be hard for many, and sometimes a big shock. Lone working of course, presents many challenges – not least, leaving supervision as one of the few spaces, where the private practitioner can offload. This workshop will look at how supervisors can be mindful of this fact, and help support private practitioners to the best of their ability. And, help private practitioners (or ‘would be’ PP’s) think creatively and wisely as supervisees, by using their space in a way which allows them to explore how to look after themselves holistically, and, think realistically about the impact of isolation, and how to mitigate the effects of this.

This workshop is suitable for qualified supervisors, private practitioners, and students who are looking to enter into the sector.

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • Allow private practitioners to think creatively, wisely and realistically about the impact of isolation in a line working profession and how to mitigate this.
  • To help supervisors working with private practitioners, think about how best to support them
  • To explore the importance of the relationship between the private practitioner and their supervisor, and why this becomes so very crucial, particularly in this sector.

Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?

  • Private practitioners; supervisors working with private practitioners

How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?

  • It gets participants thinking realistically about the impact of isolation, and how they can think with their supervisor about mitigating the effects of this.

Course Content

An Isolated Sector: Thinking about Holistic Self-Care in Private Practice Workshop with Caz Binstead


Caz Binstead

Caz is an experienced therapist and supervisor, working full-time in private practice (in the UK). She is co-lead of #TherapistsConnect; the large networking platform, and is founder of it’s popular student project #TraineeTalk, and more recently, #TherapistsCreate.

She specialises in the field of private practice, with a special interest in the growth and maintenance of both ethical, and, thriving practice. For #TherapistsConnect (and hosted in partnership with Onlinevents), she was creative lead on the two day conference, ’Private practice 2021 : surviving and thriving in uncertain times’, where she also chaired several discussions/debates, and has worked extensively in this area – providing consultation, copywriting services and workshops/training, to hundreds of therapists setting up, and working in private practice. She was instrumental in the creation of the Private practice toolkit, at the British Association for Psychotherapy and Counselling (BACP). She acted as the Private Practice executive divisional lead on the project, and also contributed to a large number of both written and recorded, resources. It was an honour for her to be invited to present at the BACP AGM 2021, in recognition of this extensive work.

Caz believes in working for, and representing, the ‘therapist on the ground’, and is a relational activist and writer. She has hosted and facilitated, several high profile events for therapists, including, the #TherapistsConnect SCoPEd debates, National Counsellors’ Day 2020, PCCS Books Conference, and the last two BACP Student Conferences. She feels passionately about providing safe spaces for all human beings to be seen, included and respected.