2 Lessons
Supervision Training: Working Within a Coherent Theoretical Framework Workshop with Jo Birch
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2 Lessons
Supervision Training: Theories and Models of Supervision Workshop with Jo Birch
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2 Lessons
Persecutor Role, Drama Triangle: A Creative Approach using the ChrisLin Method Workshop with Christina Bachini and Lindsey Wheeler
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2 Lessons
Choir of Brave Voices: Navigating Anxiety and Uncertainty Through Creative Reflection Workshop with Gillian Walter and Shirley Smith
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2 Lessons
Stepping into Supervision: “照亮?什么东西在吸引你的注意?” – Dr Louie Gardiner
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2 Lessons
Stepping into Supervision: ‘Illuminate? What is calling for your attention? with Dr Louie Gardiner
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2 Lessons
Supervision Training: The Purposes, Understanding the Purposes, Tasks & Functions of Supervision Workshop with Jo Birch
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2 Lessons
Victim Role, Drama Triangle: A Creative Approach using the ChrisLin Method Workshop with Christina Bachini and Lindsey Wheeler
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2 Lessons
Vision Boards: Create Balance, Actualise Hopes and Manifest Intentions Workshop with Dr. Francesca Bernardi
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2 Lessons
Rescuer Role, Drama Triangle: A Creative Approach using the ChrisLin Method Workshop with Christina Bachini and Lindsey Wheeler
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