
The Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision According to Winnie the Pooh Part 1 Workshop with Gillian Walter and Shirley Smith

In this first of a 2-part workshop series, Gillian Walter & Shirley Smith share how...

Last updated 12 July 2024
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In this first of a 2-part workshop series, Gillian Walter & Shirley Smith share how Gillian’s creative interpretation of the 7-Eyed Model of Supervision was born, how this metaphor brought about powerful inner supervisor experiences and how working this way can support our own supervision work. You will play with metaphors, perspectives and new ways of connecting to and developing who you are and how you work as a practitioner.

This workshop will bring the principles of Hawkins and Shoet’s 7-Eyed Model of Supervision to life BUT this is not a lesson on the 7-Eyed-Model of Supervision and participants do not need to know the model OR the stories of Winnie the Pooh to experience a new way to explore supervision!

Participants will be invited to work through actual supervision cases using the The 7-Eyed Model of Supervision as a creative way of noticing new perspectives in a simple, playful and lighthearted way – According to Winnie the Pooh!

  • This is not a lesson in the 7-Eyed Model
  • Participants do not need to know the stories of Winnie the Pooh (these are just used as an example)
  • There are further, optional resources to purchase with a workshop participant discount code

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • Explore the 7-Eyed model with light-hearted curiosity and bring it to life using metaphor and creativity.
  • Reflective practice.
  • Explore the Seven Eyed model of supervision through creative lenses

Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?

  • Practitioners working in the helping professions (Coaches, Supervisors and Therapists, etc.

How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?

  • Raised creative presence and new perspectives in client sessions

Course Content

The Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision According to Winnie the Pooh Part 1 Workshop with Gillian Walter and Shirley Smith


Independent Supervisors Network
Independent Supervisors Network

Independent Supervisors Network hosts International Supervision Week with Onlinevents


Gillian Walter

Gillians is a coach, supervisor, mentor and author accredited by the ICF, EMCC, EASC and CSA.

She is the owner of Inside-Out Coaching and Brave Voice Books. British-born, she now lives and works in Switzerland.

Gillian’s first book Choir of Brave Voices is a light-hearted, yet transformational, seasonal journey…speak from our most authentic Brave Voice’ calms stress, deepens reflection, widens perspectives and increases mental, emotional and physical resourcefulness.

Shirley Smith

Shirley has extensive experience in cross-cultural work as a coach, mentor and supervisor of coaches and mentors. She often works with people who are working across cultures and might themselves be living in a different country from where they were born. Perhaps thinking in or speaking a language that is not their mother tongue. As a coach, supervisor and facilitator creative tools provide a gateway to a different way framing themes, discovering possibilities and expressing difficult emotions or dynamics when our constraint of language cannot readily or easily express what we are feeling or experiencing. From first-hand experience Shirley believes that imagery, art-based and embodied approaches can work both in-person and virtually. These are tools and skills that anybody can learn. Shirley has fine-tuned her skills in working with creative tools on a foundation of over 30 years in global human resource roles enabling both organisational and leadership development.