
Stepping into Supervision: “爱之何伤?” Jo Birch 合作

欢迎! 请入监督之介绍性系列。 吾侪昔尝举此会议….似有更多可探索处。 入我,视对话会将何之。 入我,学社区共探之! 爱之何伤! 续….如蒂娜·特纳(Tina Turner),以尔歌…… 或(以余言)但如梦中蒂娜耳! 然归于爱也。 爱与事何伤? 何当与爱互动? 及何碍客户、被监督者、业务同事。 当即意识我说的不是性爱浪漫的爱情。 此移情、反移情、道德、准的全不同者也。...

Last updated 26 September 2024
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欢迎! 请入监督之介绍性系列。

吾侪昔尝举此会议….似有更多可探索处。 入我,视对话会将何之。



续….如蒂娜·特纳(Tina Turner),以尔歌…… 或(以余言)但如梦中蒂娜耳!

然归于爱也。 爱与事何伤? 何当与爱互动? 及何碍客户、被监督者、业务同事。 当即意识我说的不是性爱浪漫的爱情。 此移情、反移情、道德、准的全不同者也。

将于本工作坊中探其爱者,生之重者也。 爱一人,爱一人,特定一人,以至道御生…… 用可用之资。


吾道督之简则,吾将以为督文凭课程之基,即 Engage with Love,以善意与矜情每一预焉。


“简则”者,术语也,言吾于监行之中见道行,此道行之所生也。 换句话说若持此行,当大与者定义监督之体。






Jo Birch

Jo Birch MA FRSA, Supervisor, executive coach and psychotherapist

Jo brings people together in global learning communities. As Director of Crucial Difference & International Centre for Reflective Practice, Jo leads an international team providing training for coaches to become supervisors and continue developing as leaders in the profession. She is an accredited supervisor, and an active participant in the professional community, previously Chair of BACP Coaching and board member of AoCS and EASC.

Jo is editor of Coaching Supervision Groups: Resourcing Practitioners (2022); co-editor of EMCC Mastery Series publication Coaching Supervision: Advancing Practice, Changing Landscapes (2019) and previously series editor of Thinking Global in Coaching Today.

Jo also runs an annual international conference on Coaching Supervision in multiple languages including English, Russian and Chinese.

Shirley Smith

Shirley has extensive experience in cross-cultural work as a coach, mentor and supervisor of coaches and mentors. She often works with people who are working across cultures and might themselves be living in a different country from where they were born. Perhaps thinking in or speaking a language that is not their mother tongue. As a coach, supervisor and facilitator creative tools provide a gateway to a different way framing themes, discovering possibilities and expressing difficult emotions or dynamics when our constraint of language cannot readily or easily express what we are feeling or experiencing. From first-hand experience Shirley believes that imagery, art-based and embodied approaches can work both in-person and virtually. These are tools and skills that anybody can learn. Shirley has fine-tuned her skills in working with creative tools on a foundation of over 30 years in global human resource roles enabling both organisational and leadership development.