Sylvie Monin
Sylvie Monin is a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst in the counseling field and has a Swiss Federal Diploma of Counselor in the psychosocial field. She is based in Geneva, Switzerland, where she runs a private practice working with individuals and groups. Sylvie has authored articles on TA counseling, was the guest editor of the January 2013 Transactional Analysis Journal issue dedicated to counseling, and has been a coeditor of the TAJ for 9 years. Her previous work as an executive assistant led to work in the United States and Switzerland, where she gained extensive experience in the field of business, international organizations, multinationals, and Swiss private firms. She draws from this experience in her work as a counselor and in her involvement in the TA associations, facilitating closer cooperation and building bridges. She has been intent on gaining recognition for counseling as a professional field. Sylvie received the 2019 ITAA Service Award and is passionate about TA and values its internationality.