

Sheila Haugh

Sheila is Course Leader for the MSc Contemporary Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Applications at the Metanoia Institute in London. A former convenor of the BAPCA, and member of the board of the WAPCECP, she works as a psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer and consultant in the UK and in the Czech republic where she has lived for the last 11 years.

She was a member of the UKCP Training and Universities College and was involved in the process of getting the tittles ‘person-centred psychotherapist’ and ‘client-centred psychotherapist’ registered in the UKCP. Co-editor of two books and author of a number of chapters.

Sheila is currently involved in developing the dissemination of person-centred based qualitive research from MSc students at Metanoia.

tPCA Conference 2021 – Sheila Haugh interviewed by Janet Tolan “What, for you, is at…
Workshop Details This session will explore how a person-centred theory understands trauma and how a…
The Person-Centred Association Conference 2021: “What, for you, is at the Heart of the Person-Centred…
Continuing the exploration of person-centred theory, this event will consider what can be called ‘the-space-between’…
“All we ever wanted to know about Person-Centred Theory, but were afraid to ask“. Workshop…