Sara Mitchell
Plymouth, UK
Sara is both a qualified and registered MH Nurse, she has a masters degree in management and leadership and post graduate clinical diploma in cognitive behaviour therapy.
Sara worked at the Maudsley in setting up a clinical trial in cognitive behaviour therapy until 2002 when she returned to a clinical role as Matron. Subsequently Sara has held a number of management roles.
Sara’s career in Mental Health services has been extensive and wide-reaching; in 2014 Sara secured the post of Deputy Director of Operations.
Sara currently holds the Mental Health brief within Devon’s Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP), working with colleagues across the health and social care system with a particular focus on Mental Health services at Primary Care level.
In April 2018 Sara was appointed as Associate Director and Strategic Mental Health Lead for Livewell Southwest.
Sara is ensuring that Livewell’s services are in line with national and regional priorities yet remain locally responsive. Her outstanding work to date means she is a trusted senior leader who will be able to build on the recent positive system-wide CQC review and drive the essential further integration of Physical and Mental Health services.