Rosjke Hasseldine
Rosjke has over 30 years experience working with mothers and daughters and researching Mother-Daughter Attachment. She is the creator of the Mother-Daughter Attachment Model, and the founder and Executive Director of Mother-Daughter Coaching International LLC, a training organization that teaches counsellors, psychotherapists, coaches, social workers, and psychologists how to work with mothers and daughters. Graduates of her training course can be Certificated as a Mother-Daughter Coach.
Rosjke is the author of The Mother-Daughter Puzzle and The Silent Female Scream, as well as many professional articles about the mother-daughter relationship. Her article “The Root Cause of Mother-Daughter Conflict”, Counseling Today (January 2020), was the most clicked on American Counseling Association article in 2020, and it was reprinted as “The Mother-Daughter Puzzle” in Therapy Today, July 2020.
Rosjke has showcased her work at professional and women’s conferences around the world, including for the Women’s Federation for World Peace and the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. She presented her mother-daughter work at the Association for Family Therapy & Systemic Practice Annual Conference in Manchester (2018) and at the Systemic Family Therapy Conference (2021), held by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
On her website, Rosjke is building an international community of graduates from her Mother-Daughter Attachment Training Course, so that mothers and daughters can get the help they desperately need.