
Marilyn Hawes

Founder and CEO of the child protection charity – Enough Abuse UK – breaking the cycle – changing lives

As a teacher, I attended many courses on Child Protection and ask why none of them gave information on how to recognise “grooming” in order to protect children. This remains the case today with many courses. The ability to recognise “grooming” behaviours is an essential learnable skill.

EAUK delivers ground breaking education on preventing abuse and has revolutionised safeguarding training with PROVEN results of identifying those at risk and those who ARE the risk. The training covers every angle from how we create an abuser to how they think and BEHAVE and how those impacted by grooming and abuse BEHAVE. We focus on BEHAVIOURS – which is crucial information. The learning is experiential by way of demonstration and unique use of visuals.

I regularly speak to the Media, public, organisations, schools, conferences, parents, and children across the UK to break the culture of silence and resistance educating people with correct, relevant, and vital information to prevent child sexual abuse and tune into their instincts.

I am well known for strong, pragmatic views. I try to reach out encouraging people to address the issues by raising their understanding which makes for a safer future for children and their families.