

Liz Rothschild

Liz Rothschild, author of Full Circle Productions, Westmill Woodland Burial Ground, Humanist Celebrant

Liz Rothschild is a writer, actor, playwright and founding director of Westmill woodland burial ground in Wiltshire. She has been a funeral celebrant for more than 25 years and has run numerous death cafes and a course on preparing for end of life. In 2012 she launched, and continues to curate, the Kicking the Bucket festival in Oxford. She also wrote and performs a one-woman show, Outside the Box – a life show about death, which premiered in 2016 and has toured the UK and US. These stories come from her audiences, people she has worked with and her own life.

York St John University Counselling and Mental Health Centre in collaboration with Onlinevents 2nd International…