
Kazuo Yamashita

I have been learning and practicing person-centered approach for 50 years. It is just like PCA is living in myself and I am living in PCA. Through this experience I am interested in PCA on these areas.
1. Human and Organizational Development: It may call Bifocal approach, Human Development and Organizational Development.
2. Adapting PCA into social work, social work with individuals, with families, with groups, with organizations and communities. I believe PCA will contribute to make social work more humanistic.
3. Humanistic Education. I ever worked at a small alternative school named “Play Mountain Place” in Los Angeles as an intern teacher for two years. This school has been influenced by Carl Rogers’ ideas. I learned many things from this school. Now, I am teaching my learning to Japanese child caregivers.
4. Buddhist counseling, “Dharma-based person-centered approach.” I learned PCA and Shin- Buddhism (Pure-land Buddhism) from Professor Saiko Gisho. Now I am awakening both are deeply connected in myself. Saiko called this approach, “Dharma-based person-centered approach.” This gives me the deepest awareness.