

Jackie Furlong

Jackie Furlong, MIARM, is a graduate of UCC and is currently completing a Masters in the Psychotherapy of Relationship Mentoring. She is a trained Co-Creational Parent and Relationship Mentor- a therapeutic and Educational Practice rooted in Psychoanalytic and Psychotherapeutic Theories. My personal lived experiences of growing up in a time when mental illness was viewed as toxic, psychotic, Psychiatry was feared, medication and institutional care was the only answer. I have spent a lifetime endeavouring to find understanding and meaning behind the hidden voices of human suffering including my own.

I too have asked the question how do I bring safety to my world? How can I find my voice to speak my truth? Having found these answers within myself and for myself I now ask the question- How can I bring this sense of safety into community. For this is where I believe our growing together can make a difference. Helping ourselves to help others. Support ourselves to support others. When safety is present, we can tell our story. We just need someone to listen.

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