Gay Norton Edelman
Gay Norton Edelman is a is a poet, essayist and author of the book, The Hungry Ghost: How I Ditched 100 Pounds and Came Fully Alive. She is a writing instructor with Project Write Now, a non-profit based in Red Bank, NJ. Working with groups and individuals, in-person and virtually, she focuses on deep psychospiritual aspects of the creative process. Previously, as a writer and editor working for women’s magazines, she specialized in psychology, spirituality, and relationships. Gay has served for many years as a spiritually nurturing life coach. She is also a Reiki master, yogi, and martial arts student, and integrates a variety of healing modalities into her practice as a spiritual guide.
Writing tips: coachgay.com
Inspirational blog: gayedelman.com
Project Write Now: https://projectwritenow.org/
The Hungry Ghost: How I ditched 100 pounds and came fully alive
Case Studies in Spiritual Coaching: A Survey Across Life, Wellness, and Work Domains