
Garry Rollins

BA, Dip, Dip.
Hello there. My name is Garry. My own childhood was very difficult and I suffered years of abuse which impacted me hugely in terms of Complex Trauma until my mid thirties and I carried a lot of shame. I spent many years working in social care and with Social Services, supporting children from difficult or broken homes. In my early forties I started training at The Berne Institute for five years in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy, which included four years of personal psychotherapy. The training and the therapy were huge turning points for me. I set up my own practice, Gateway Counselling Leicester, and have continued seeing clients throughout, including retraining and moving my practice online in the last two years. Among others, I continue to work with clients with PTSD and Complex PTSD, and it is important to me personally that therapy is a safe place for people to get the support they need.

I also teach and practice Compassionate Mindfulness, supervise therapists, volunteer in a food bank, work with disabled young people with health care needs and play Dungeons and Dragons and other RPG’s. I am a prolific bookworm and will buy more bookcases rather than get rid of books. I believe so strongly in compassion in all things. I look forward to seeing you online.