Fiona Lukeis
Fiona Lukeis has been a leading coach, mentor and facilitator in the relationship and professional development field for over a decade, delivering key notes, programs, corporate retreats and events right across Australia.
In private practice for over 15 years and with over 15,000 clinical hours. Fiona has helped thousands of individuals and couples all over the world to simplify and transform their relationships. Her podcast and her 8 week online program” Relatable”, have now been delivered to students in the UK, Europe, Canada, NZ, Asia and the US.
Fiona explores the way people relate, connect and understand one another, and the fundamental truths behind how we experience the world as human beings. Having seen the life changing impact of this work first hand with her clients and students, all over the world. Fiona is dedicated to sharing this understanding with practitioners, counsellors and professionals who provide services and support to people in the mental health field.