Edward T. Novak
Edward T. Novak is a certified psychoanalyst in private practice in the United States, having trained in contemporary relational psychoanalysis at The National Institute for the Psychotherapies in New York City. He has over 30 years of clinical experience working with groups, couples, and individuals. He has a special interest in working with trauma and his treatment approach integrates attachment research, body psychotherapy, cognitive science, neuroscience, psychoanalysis, and transactional analysis.
He has presented at international conferences and published numerous peer reviewed articles on many topics including trauma. Several of these articles have been published in multiple languages. His 2023 book on trauma was published by Routledge and is titled, Physical Touch in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Transforming Trauma through Embodied Practice. He is the book review editor for the Transactional Analysis Journal and a member of the editorial board.