Christina Bachini
Christina trained as a humanistic psychologist and counsellor in the early 1980′s and then went on to develop skills in Art Therapy and sand play, and became a NLP Trainer, hypnotherapist and a Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling Practitioner. Christina brings a deep understanding of the structure of clients thinking and over 35 years’ experience to the ChrisLin Method. She has worked as a counsellor, personal coach, team consultant and executive development coach and today she is a Coach Supervisor, Executive and Leadership coach and works with individuals using her unique 2-day Chrysalis process.
“Stress” has become a catch-all phrase for the myriad challenges life presents. Often overlooked is…
Supervision is indeed a rich environment where both the supervisor and supervisee can glean valuable…
The Drama Triangle as a way of graphically displaying the dance that occurs whenever we…
IDENTITY – WHO ARE YOU AT YOUR CORE?Who are you at your very essence? Have…
Workshop Details – Part 3 of 3 The Drama triangle as a way of graphically…
The Drama triangle is a way of graphically displaying the dance that occurs whenever we…
Workshop Details – Part 2 of 3 The Drama triangle is a way of graphically…
RESOLVING INTERNAL CONFLICT: Many of us have encountered the familiar sentiment of saying, “My head…
Blame behaviour can have a long term impact on the clients relationship with themselves as…
If you want to work creatively without the mess, come and join us to find…