
Carla Shohet

Carla Shohet, BSc, Cache2, ITEC3, is a life coach for mothers, a psychologist and a certified trainer.

With almost two decades’ experience guiding thousands of women to reach their full potential, Carla studied under world-leading mentors such as Tony Robbins, T.Harv Eker, Robert Kiyosaki, Blair Singer, Alex Mandossian, Laura Markham, Selena Soo and Lisa Johnson. Carla is an award-winning entrepreneur and philanthropist, taking four businesses from concept to launch, and she volunteers in non-profit organisations that help mothers reclaim their lives from abuse, ill mental health and poverty.

Carla was a guest speaker on Stress Shapers and WELLaME, has appeared on BBC, was featured in Wandsworth Guardian, and was interviewed on Croydon Radio. She has a devout following in her community wild mother, where she supports mothers in rediscovering their full identity, restoring their self-esteem and empowering them to create the life of their dreams.

Carla lives in London, UK with her doting husband, their three children, and their two dogs.

For all the Mums here who might be struggling to remember who they are, I’d love to invite you to join me in wild mother.

Come to rediscover your identity, realise your strengths & reach your potential!

Who rules the world? MUMS 💪🏻