Recognise and Adjust for Neurodivergence in Your Practice Workshop with Terra Vance and Kate Jones
This workshop is hosted by neurodivergent providers who work extensively with the autistic community through...
This workshop is hosted by neurodivergent providers who work extensively with the autistic community through...
In recent years there has been a significant paradigm shift in our understanding of addiction...
We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to be part of a dialogue with...
When overly nice people face challenges in their lives, they can sometimes go into an...
In this workshop we will explore a simple and potent technique to identify our client’s...
In this workshop Nicole will present ENGAGE-MENT, a two-part integrative model that she has developed...
Combining the Script theory of Eric Berne/Early TA Theorists and the meta-emotion couples research by...
The Drama Triangle makes sense of repeated patterns we get into with other people where...
How come some clients arrive at your door wanting to be ‘fixed’ and given ‘tools...
This technique involves deep listening and imaginative re-telling of the client’s story by group members....