
How to Enhance Your Wellbeing through Embracing Vulnerability Part 1 Workshop with Maureen Cooper

When you meet a person for the first time what are the things you look...

Last updated 8 May 2024
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When you meet a person for the first time what are the things you look for? We want them to be accessible and to understand something of where we are coming from. The root of that accessibility, the ability to see another person clearly, comes from being comfortable with one’s own vulnerability—the heart of wellbeing.

Yet the truth is that it is the very quality we try to hide in ourselves. Why? Because we are afraid that to be vulnerable is to be weak. If we’re seen as weak how can we make a good impression, or be successful? Who will want to spend time with us, or feel affection for us?

So we armour up and hide away the tender part of ourselves that is the very core that people long to connect with. In fact, it is the armour itself that harms us and undermines our wellbeing, as well as blocking our connection with others.

These three workshops will explore how understanding, and owning our vulnerability will make us stronger and more resilient. People will have an opportunity to learn tools and exercises to share with their clients, while at the same time, working on their own relationship to vulnerability.

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How to Enhance Your Wellbeing through Embracing Vulnerability Part 1 Workshop with Maureen Cooper


Maureen Cooper

Maureen is the founding director of Awareness in Action, an organization dedicated supporting people to make sustainable wellbeing part of their lives—through developing clarity, connection and openness.

Drawing on more than thirty years of experience as a professional educator, senior manager in a non-profit organization, an entrepreneur and as an experienced practitioner of Buddhist meditation, she leads Awareness in Action workshops and training programs in the UK and Europe.

Her new book, The Stress Workbook is a groundbreaking effort that brings together the best of modern science and the wisdom of the world’s ancient contemplative traditions into a practical manual for thriving in today’s fast-paced world. Although born in London, UK love took Maureen to Amsterdam, The Netherlands where she lives with her husband.