Parenting Knowhow 2: Be Heard, Use Clean Language Workshop with Andrea Rippon Part 4

These workshops are for Mums, Dads and Carers who want to improve relationships at home....

Last updated 3 June 2024
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These workshops are for Mums, Dads and Carers who want to improve relationships at home. With practical and pragmatic workshops, I will help you take the fight out of the family so you can bring respectful and fulfilling relationships back in. I know what it’s like to get my parenting ‘wrong’ and watch important relationships suffer. So it’s time to stop trying to be the ‘perfect parent’ and start being an authentic leader.

I can help you re-frame your thinking and instantly ease the pressure. I’ll show you how to work WITH your children, rather than against them. Disciplining and influencing them IN a relationship is much, much easier – and it gets better results.

My approach to Parenting is Authoritative (not Authoritarian), Person Centred and Relational. Check out my TEDx talk to see if my parenting approach aligns with yours:

Part 4: BE HEARD

Use ‘clean language’ to have less arguments and more communication; understand an appropriate use of power and learn how to influence your child so that they become considerate of themselves AND others; develop a discipline philosophy so that you can address unacceptable behaviour; learn how to give healthy praise; and avoid power struggles so that your family has boundaries everyone respects.

Course Content

Parenting Knowhow 2: Be Heard, Use Clean Language Part 4


Andrea Rippon

Andrea Rippon is a Coach, Trainer, Facilitator and Owner/Director of Stronger Relationships Ltd. She has over 20 years’ experience training adults in Relationship Skills and Emotional Intelligence; and she’s spent the last five years focussing on Parents, Families and Young People. She is a qualified Parent and Youth Educator (PET/YET, California), a Licensed Practitioner in NLP and an Appreciative Inquiry Coach. Her background is at the University of East Anglia, where she was Course Director of the Person Centred Counselling Skills programme for 10 years. She still teaches Counselling Skills privately and as a Tutor on the Norwich Centre Certificate in Counselling Skills programme. She is a Mum to two children, one of whom has just been diagnosed with Autism. Since 2000 she’s been successfully self-employed, working with individuals and organisations to help them build stronger relationships at home, work and school.