This year, in collaboration with Fiona Gregory, we are launching an exciting series of person-centred events related to working with trauma (Scroll down to read more about upcoming events in this conference series) ⬇️
Dissociation, the process of severing or dividing from the present moment or aspects of self, is an ordinary part of the human experience. Yet, dissociation continues to be pathologized by clinical professions and even in our quest to better understand it, emphasis tends to be placed on the neuroscience and technical models. In this workshop, Dr. Jamie, herself a person with a dissociative disorder, brings the human touch to better understanding and conceptualizing dissociation. Jamie explores where Western approaches to navigating dissociation are severely limited, and shares her recent explorations from talking to healers and helpers in Indigenous traditions. This workshop endeavours to decrease the fears that many practitioners have in working with dissociation in their clinical settings through person-centred and humanistic principles.
Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event
- To define and describe dissociation through a person-centred, culturally-attuned lens
- To explain the limitations of navigating dissociation only as a neurological construct
- To apply two key learnings about one’s own self(selves) obtained through this workshop into work in clinical practice
Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?
- Psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, psychiatrists, human services professionals.
How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?
- To look at something that is very easily misunderstood in a more person-centred way, thus diffusing many of the fears that surround the construct (dissociation)
Course Content

Dr. Jamie Marich (she/they), a Rogerian influenced therapist, describes herself as a facilitator of transformative experiences. She is a woman in long-term recovery from an addictive disorder and is living loudly and proudly as a woman with a dissociative disorder with the goal of smashing stigma about dissociation in the mental health field and in society at large.
Jamie began her career as a humanitarian aid worker in Bosnia-Hercegovina from 2000-2003, primarily teaching English and music. Jamie travels internationally teaching on topics related to trauma, EMDR therapy, expressive arts, mindfulness, and yoga, while maintaining a private practice and online education operations in her home base of Warren, OH.
Marich is the founder of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness and the developer of the Dancing Mindfulness approach to expressive arts therapy. She is the developer of Yoga for Clinicians.