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Assessment of Clients in the Online Context, Including Risk and Safeguarding – Nadja Zivkovic-Nitikin

This week we will be teaching around safeguarding and risk management in the online context.

Last updated 3 May 2024
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This week we will be teaching around safeguarding and risk management in the online context.

Course Content

Assessment of Clients in the Online Context, Including Risk and Safeguarding - Nadja Zivkovic-Nitikin
Workshop Resources


Nadja Zivkovic-Nikitin

Nadja is a psychologist, an Accredited BACP Counsellor and a Professional ACTO member. She trained in France and the UK, and is currently runs her private practice from her home country, Serbia. As an expat, her knowledge of foreign languages has shaped her work as a counsellor within multicultural settings.

She is also a psychologist for Eutelmed (International healthcare provider, based in France) and Reverie (Institute for Mental Health, based in Serbia).