Imago Relationship Therapy is a research-supported, systematic theory of relationship therapy developed by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., author of Getting the Love you Want: a Guide for Couples, and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D. Imago theory powerfully synthesizes major aspects of depth psychology, object relations, systems theory and humanistic-existential theory into a comprehensive approach to working with relationships.
Imago Relationship Theory helps us to understand why we pick the partners we do and why intimate relationships can be so challenging for so many of us. Imago Relationship Therapy gives clients the skills and understanding they need to turn their conflicts into opportunities for the repair of current and past relationship hurts.
Course Content

Kalanit Ben-Ari, Ph.D. is a senior psychologist, psychotherapist, and author with over 20 years of experience working with couples, individuals, and parents. With a private clinic in Hampstead, London, she is an international speaker, trainer, and supervisor of therapists. Kalanit is a member of the Faculty at the Imago International Training Institute and served as the Chair of Imago UK from 2013 to 2023. Dr. Ben-Ari’s expertise is well-recognised; she has trained thousands of therapists worldwide and is frequently featured in professional journals and the media.