Supervising on the theme of Stepfamilies & Complicated Family Constructions with Claire Asherson Bartram

I view the relationship between biological parents and children as invisible lines with special characteristics....

Last updated 15 July 2024
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I view the relationship between biological parents and children as invisible lines with special characteristics. Understanding how these relationships work and what they mean for people coming into a relationship with someone who already has children, is important for supervisors and therapists. Often a certain amount of pscyheducation is necessary.

I invite you to join me in a short presentation on stepfamily and constructed family dynamics, that will include an introduction to a version of the ‘genogram’ adapted for stepfamily situations. This part of the workshop will be recorded.

We will then partake in supervision group where you can learn through presenting clients, and situations you are working with, and from witnessing the work of others. This part will be private and not recorded.

Expect to meet wicked stepmothers, sabotaging parents, loyalty, jealousy, competition, love, hope and magic. What works and where problems tend to lie.

Course Content

Supervising on the theme of Stepfamilies & Complicated Family Constructions with Claire Asherson Bartram


Claire Asherson Bartram

I am an experienced psychotherapist, and supervisor, trained in Gestalt, I qualified in 1991. I work in London with individuals and couples run several, groups and supervise at the Minster Centre in London. Stepfamilies are a special interest for me arising from the experience of my own family and working for the National Stepfamily Association as a counsellor many years ago. In 2009 I completed a doctorate in ‘Narratives of Mothers in Stepfamily Situations’ and I am working on a book arising from this. I am co-founder of a small organisation StepIn ASAP and am involved in three episodes of the podcast ‘Step Life’ .