
Workshop Details

About this Event

Feedback from previous participants:

“Very profound experience”

“Excellent delivery”

“One of the best I’ve been to”


“Absolutely amazing workshop”

“Powerful and moving, thank you”

What happens when we don’t have the words for something that has happened to us? For trauma survivors, this is a common experience.

This workshop will explore creative writing as a method for accelerating therapeutic en-gagement, particularly with clients who have experienced trauma.

Various studies have shown us that traumatic experiences immobilise areas of the brain which we need to put words to our experiences, and therefore understand them. For cli-ents with a trauma history, writing can be a valuable catalyst to healing and recovery. Through writing, clients can begin to cultivate linguistic control over their trauma and reorganise their story, with the therapist as companion and witness.

This workshop will be delivered in 3 parts:

1. Theory and research

In the first section of the workshop, we will explore the current research and theo-ry which underpins the therapeutic value of using creative writing for trauma re-covery. This will be interspersed with key insights drawn from my own client work as a practitioner of Transactional Analysis and as a licensed guide for Write Your Self, so you may start to think about connecting theory to practice.

2. Experiential writing exercise and witnessing

The second section of the workshop will involve a gentle independent writing exercise and some small group work, which offers a dual experience: you will not only have chance to share and have your writing heard by others, you will also practise ‘witnessing’, providing companionship and a safe space as the writer shares and puts words to their experiences. You alone will decide your level of involvement at this stage; there is no requirement to share what you have written. Alter-native exercises and tasks are available.

3. Starter pack & further courses

As part of the workshop fee, you will each receive a starter pack which includes recommended exercises, a reading list and other useful resources. I will also pro-vide information and answer any questions about the Foundation Programme that I offer, should you wish to continue your interest in this specialist area.

 Writing Our Way Back: An Intro to Creative Writing, Trauma & Psychotherapy image

Katie Watson

For nearly a decade, Katie has worked in the charitable sector with vulnerable and disadvantaged adults and is also a qualified teacher. In 2018, she was awarded a scholarship to train as a trauma-informed writing guide for Write Your Self, a global writing movement aimed at supporting women to reclaim their stories after experiencing trauma. She is the first guide based in the UK to be trained in the methodology. She is also a published writer, and in 2017, she was runner-up in Mslexia’s prestigious women’s poetry competition. She is currently in her third year of training for an Advanced Diploma in Transactional Analysis (TA) Psychotherapy and currently works with LGBTQ+ clients. She has also served on the board of trustees for Manchester Rape Crisis for the past 4 years.

You can find out more about Write Your Self here: https://www.writeyourself.com/
