This workshop provides an opportunity to look closely at the intricacies of working in private practice. We will explore the art of doing less’, within the context of private practice – being curious about why many private practitioners can struggle with this, and looking tangibly, at some of the challenges that can come up around this. For those who are not yet working in private practice, this is a great chance to consider some of the unique factors that come with working in private practice, and how this, as a setting for therapy, can sometimes impact the way we work with clients. Through a variety of mediums, including group discussion, personal reflection, and case vignettes, there will be space to consider our relationship with ‘doing less’, both in relation to, and in the context of therapy – as well as within our own lives.
Caz, based in London, U.K.; who is a published writer in the field of ethical and thriving private practice, and Maxine, based in Dublin, Ireland, who has explored this topic through deep self-exploration, welcome all those who are thinking about setting up in private practice (including students), as well as private practitioners looking to develop their skills in this area.
Course Content

Caz Binstead is an experienced private practitioner, supervisor, and facilitator/visiting lecturer. Specialising in the growth and maintenance of ethical and thriving practice, she was instrumental in the creation of the Private practice toolkit at the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and acted as divisional lead on the project. Caz is co-lead of the community platform #TherapistsConnect, and was creative director on their two-day conference, ‘Private practice 2021: surviving and thriving in uncertain times’. Through her extensive work in this area, Caz has helped hundreds of therapists with their private practices.

Maxine Walsh MIACP has worked as a counsellor and psychotherapist for 12 years, with five years experience in private practice. Born and raised in a large Dublin family, she is now raising her own family, living in Dublin South West since 2004.
She has most recently run a sell-out workshop, focused on helping people increase their self-esteem. Last year, she ran a community challenge, aimed at guiding those who wish to welcome the practice of gratitude into their lives.
This idea for workshop arose from her own curiosity about the ‘art of doing less’.