Beyond the Confines of the Cerebral Mind

Our October guest, Gary Lachman, has extensively researched the (secret) history of consciousness – what...

Last updated 10 October 2024
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Our October guest, Gary Lachman, has extensively researched the (secret) history of consciousness – what we take for granted when facing psychotherapy clients – that most of us have a self-referenced inner life to explore in relation to outer circumstances. Yet our present state of self-awareness has fascinating pre-rational antecedents and post-rational potential coming into view on the evolutionary horizon. The inner world of persons is unfathomable based solely on psychobiology and a strictly clinical or scientific point of view. There are radically different modes of being in the world which came before us and will come afterwards. We will delve into all this in what is bound to be an intriguing episode of Soul Portals.


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Cedric Speyer

Cedric M. Speyer, M.A., M.Ed., RP, is an author, Registered Psychotherapist, and presently a mentor to coaches, counsellors, and therapists. He pioneered E-counselling in Canada, overseeing 100K online cases before establishing InnerView Guidance International (IGI). The vision of IGI brings together the historically separate domains of mental health and spiritual awareness in a new synthesis for the helping professions.

Dr DeeAnna Merz Nagel

Dr. DeeAnna Merz Nagel has co-created Essential Soul Care®, a psychospiritual model that includes a book, an Oracle deck and a certified practitioner course. She is a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and coach and integrates the healing arts into her teachings. Her doctoral studies focused on multi-faith spiritual direction.

Gary Lachman

Born in New Jersey in 1955, Gary Lachman is an author and musician. His numerous books, translated into more than a dozen languages, cover topics ranging from the evolution of consciousness and western esoteric tradition to a rock and roll memoir of the 1970s, hermeticism, literary suicides, popular culture, studies in positive existentialism, as well histories of mystical teachings. He has written biographies of Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, C. G. Jung, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Emanuel Swedenborg, P. D. Ouspensky, Colin Wilson, and the recently published Maurice Nicoll: Forgotten Teacher of the Fourth Way. A founding member of the rock group Blondie, Gary was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2006.

Soul Portals Podcast - Exploring Psychospiritual Horizons

In this podcast series, Cedric Speyer and DeeAnna Nagel engage in conversations with psychospiritual trailblazers, amplifying their voices of wisdom and exploring their unique perspectives on human wholeness. Through their sacred journeys and professional endeavors, these individuals are ‘portals’ through which we see wider vistas of the soul journey. While their names might not grace network news or mainstream podcasts, their insights introduce invaluable aspects of ‘soul work’.