Working as a Counsellor With a Chronic Condition – Olivia Djouadi & Kel O’Neill

In more recent years, more has been spoken about in working with clients with a...

Last updated 18 September 2024
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In more recent years, more has been spoken about in working with clients with a chronic condition around accessibility and what it may be like for those living with a condition. Less spoken about is what about if the clinician is the one with a chronic condition. As a person with type 1 diabetes, which means daily injections and blood tests, I didn’t have guidance on how to manage my own health when working with clients. Is it ok to tell them? Can I get insurance? What to do on sick days that might occur at the last minute, so lots to think about on this topic. A chronic condition may be medical like diabetes, psychological such as depression, or having a different way of processing information like with dyslexia or autism.

Some comments I heard in the past made me feel dismissed such as saying ‘counsellors should be in good health’ which is very unclear. I have good health, however, as I’m on medication and have medical input, others may not see good health. I discussed how one might manage and what additional areas of importance are there for those juggling clinical work and health.

Course Content

Working as a Counsellor With a Chronic Condition - Olivia Djouadi & Kel O'Neill


Kel O'Neill

Kel is a Counsellor/Psychotherapist and Educator with a special interest in the area of Eating Disorders. She has spent 15+ years working in this field in a variety of roles and is ever passionate about sharing her experiences and using her knowledge for the benefit of others. Presently Kel runs a busy private practice, delivers a collection of Eating Disorder CPD programmes, contributes to research and other professionals’ projects, as well as curating Eating Disorder content for both a blog and YouTube channels under the brand ‘Mental Health Bites’.

Olivia Djouadi

My name is Olivia Djouadi and I am a UKCP member and a graduate of Regents University in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy. I also trained with IMT Integrative Mindbody Therapy, a type of Body Therapy with Dr. Asaf Rolef Ben-Shahar. I also trained with OLT online counselling for therapists and did the general, diploma and DOTS course so I can practice as an online supervisor.

Ch. 14 – Using creativity in online supervision and chronic illness (OLIVIA DJOUADI) from the book: “Online Supervision – Anne Stokes” – (May 2018)