I never anticipated losing my entire family, and future family, so quickly. I barely had time to breathe between each passing. I would get up and start going, only to be knocked down again and again. I lost every family member I had over a span of 12 years. Mom. Dad. Grandparents. Babies. Pets. Everyone gone. All I could feel was sadness. Grief. Anger. Loss. I was alone. Until the day I met them again. It was an experience that changed everything, I was given the opportunity to connect and communicate with them from the other side. They explained the journey through this life, how the suffering we experience, the sadness we feel, and the sickness we endure, all lead to love. This book takes you on a journey. Death. Grief. Loss. Laughter. Sadness. Inspiration. Divorce. Miscarriage. Hope. Always ending in Love. My hope for you is that you see the possibility for love in every experience, know you are WiseInside, and become inspired to seek the wisdom and love that surrounds you, both in this world and worlds beyond. The greatest gift this book has given me is the opportunity to see love when all I could feel was pain. It has empowered me to step back and hear the truth from the other side. To stop crying. Start breathing. Start feeling. Start living. Our journey in this life always circles back to LOVE. Love is here for you. Always.
Course Content

I’m Heather Criswell; the founder of WiseInside, a speaker, and author of the award-winning ‘How to Raise a Happy Child (and be happy too)’ and ‘Wise Talk from the Other Side’. I am honored to be the host of WiseTalks – a live broadcast sharing a revolutionary approach to heart-centered communication. I’ve worked with over 30,000 children and their families, helping them see their power, own their greatness, and communicate from love. At 21, I founded a unique preschool and later opened a holistic wellness center. My passion is to help people rise from their circumstances, love themselves and each other through it, and shine even brighter.