This event explored the scary world of using immediacy in the therapeutic encounter. How in using our intuitive self, we can connect to the Client’s world at a much deeper level increase of what some would call the ahh haa moments in therapy. When something occurs immediately in the room, we might use this as a metaphor to make sense of or just a hunch of feeling to give voice to.
Some Therapists and Teachers believe this process is spontaneous and can never be interacted with or created. This, I believe, is not the case and we can, by using our intuitive self, connect to and tease these moments out from the work we do. By using immediacy, these sparkling moments then become a transition point of awareness, moving them from one point to the next at a faster speed. This, creating more awareness and resulting in a deepening of the therapeutic bond between them and us.
Course Content

I have over 9500 hours of face to face work with clients and I am an accomplished presenter, teacher, and trainer. I use my knowledge and experience to present my training courses, bringing to life the subjects I teach using case presentations and real life experiences to put theory and practice learning in an easy and simple way.
I run a truly free resource website ( which is updated monthly with new ways to help people to understand the human dynamic. It gives people an understanding of the work I do, the awareness I gain through my work, and the tools and interventions that I use in my work with Clients.
I also have a website ( which explores the intuitive therapeutic interventions that all of us have but mostly are not aware of. This awareness helps us to use transference and counter transference within a therapeutic encounter. Building trust and working alliances easier and more connected.
I also have a counselling and therapy practice which offers therapeutic and mental health interventions from myself and other professionals in Wakefield, details which can be found at ‘Ian and Sue Wallace Counselling’ (