Robin and Joan have been running supervision training for over forty years, and have watched how the field has changed and developed over that time. Robin was instrumental in the setting up of the Independent Practitioners Network in the mid 90s and sees the need for a similar network specifically for supervisors. In this event, we shared our ideas about why we thought such a network was important and invited the chat room to share their views on how we could take it forward.
Robin Shohet and Joan Wilmot have been running supervision courses since 1979.
Course Content

Joan co-founded CSTD in 1979 and works as a trainer, supervisor, psychotherapist and mediator. Her particular interest is in working with systems and using organisational and family constellations work. She has been running supervision training and working with teams, in particular in the NHS and voluntary sector, for over 40 years. Her passion is in enabling people to find the work they love and love the work they do. She is an active member of Playback Theatre and co-author of “The Boxing Clever Cookbook” (2002).

Robin Shohet has been supervising for nearly fifty years beginning when he met Peter in 1976 and they staffed a therapeutic community for people coming out of psychiatric hospital. They combined to write Supervision in the Helping Professionsin 1989 which is now in its fifth edition. He co-wrote In Love with Supervision with Joan Shohet and his next book, Supervision as Spiritual Practice, an edited one, is due out in December 2024. He has organised two international conferences on forgiveness and is aiming to do another for 2026. He is a long time student of A Course in Miracles.