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Mar 3

Strengthening Client Work: Deepening Somatic Awareness Together

Date and time

March 3 @ 13:00 - 14:00

About this event

Strengthening Client Work: Deepening Somatic Awareness Together Workshop with Annamaria Sacco

In this interactive workshop, we will explore how a toolkit of somatic and embodied approaches can enhance our client work and enrich our personal lives.

Picture communication between people as a tangled, colourful yarn. A rich territory of human connection lies in the spaces we create by gently untangling these knots.

Together, we will learn to strengthen our “space-making” muscle, deepening our ability to listen and connect meaningfully. We will discuss practical tools that can be drawn upon in those crucial moments of client interaction, helping us foster a deeper sense of connection, understanding, and presence.

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • A wider felt sense in their own body to draw from. A sense of deep peace and spaciousness as backdrop to the listening.
  • A series of practical ways to connect to the body to use either for themselves or to share with the clients.
  • How to hold an embodied space of enquiry and the paradoxes, doubts and enquiries that continue arise as we work.

Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?

  • Therapists and therapists in training.

How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?

  • I hope it will inspire them to try out on themselves in their daily life some of these tools and then bring them into the room spontaneously as they seem fit.


This workshop will be recorded and you can use the ticket function to pre-purchase the recording before the event. This will be useful for colleagues who are not able to attend the event live and also for those who attend the event live and want to watch it again.


This workshop will be hosted on the Zoom meeting platform where we will use our cameras and microphones to interact with each other as a group.


The self-select fee is a radical inclusion policy to open learning for all colleagues. The guide price for this event is £20.00, however, we appreciate that income varies greatly in different locations and circumstances. Please contribute what you can to help us maintain inclusive professional training.


All the colleagues at ONLINEVENTS and the presenters we collaborate with are committed to working in a manner consistent with the BACP Ethical Framework, which can be accessed on the link below. When registering for this event you are agreeing to be present and interact in a manner that is consistent with this Framework.


Annamaria Sacco

I started practicing yoga age 21, when I came to Scotland, as a way out of pain from a car crash on a motorway years before. I was very lucky with the teachers I met (I believe that to be the case for my whole life).I studied in the Iyengar system until reaching senior level in the system. I worked remedially with patients since 2006. I noticed that the more I grew in my experience, the more complex and emotionally demanding were the 1:1 that were arriving, so I kept noticing and studying to verify and go further. I started using my Core Process Psychotherapy sessions for supervision we noticed. That was around 2011. In 2003, after my son was born, craniosacral therapy came into my life and I was a client for 13 years, before deciding to train out of pure love for the practice in 2016 at CCST London. In the world of Yoga, I met Firooza Ali Razvi in 2004, in Mumbai, and her teaching touched me so deeply I followed her everywhere she taught for a month everyday, and when I bought the garage that became my yoga studio for 19 years, I invited her over to the UK every year and for 19 years we weaved together beautiful courses and retreats for teachers, which I organised and she taught. In 2020 I left IY UK to allow the teaching voice in me to have space to transform and include more of the experience that life and craniosacral therapy as well as yoga had given me. Other things about me: I studied the Foundational year or Core Process Psychotherapy. In 2024 I completed the 5 years journey of IBT training with Matthew Appleton in pre and perinatal birth imprints. In 2020-2021 in the midst of the pandemic I went to Leith School of Art, and was awarded the drawing award for the year. I have since found the courage to have two solos exhibitions and self publish a poetry collection called Meanderings. I am a dancer, i am a writer, I adore nature and it is my biggest inspiration and resource. I love movement as process and keep that as my own practice which I am keen to share more of. Last but not least, I am a supervisor in training with CSTD London.

Website | www.bodysymphonies.co.uk

Instagram | findingrootsinwater_asacco