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Mar 18

Rewilding Therapy: Ecosytemic Theory & Practice, Exploring Inner Landscape

Date and time

March 18 @ 18:00 - 20:00

About this event

Rewilding Therapy: Ecosytemic Theory & Practice, Exploring Inner Landscape Workshop with Chiara Santin

The webinar will offer an experiential space to explore an ecosystemic ecological framework that can recognise and embrace our biological imprint. If we believe we are Nature, then we can experience ourselves as an entangled and interconnected ecology of selves, embedded and embodied in the natural environment with a duty of kinship care and stewardship to honour the reciprocity in our relationship with mother Earth.

The webinar will offer an experiential space to explore your inner landscapes. You will be guided to explore imaginary places in nature that may represent your inner landscapes, the breadth and depth of your relationship with nature as a diffractive mirror to our sense of identity and belonging to Earth and each other.

I will also present some key ecosystemic ideas that inform my practice in Nature with individuals, couples and families. This is based on my latest published book Rewilding Therapy. Ecosystemic Theory and Practice (May 2024). I will present a summary of key ideas and some examples from my practice.

There will be space and time to ask questions about your own connection to theory and practice and what rewilding might mean for you personally and professionally, what resonates with your way of being a therapist, whether you practice outdoors or indoors.

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • To explore some key theoretical ideas about practicing in Nature based on an ecosystemic and ecological map
  • To experience the healing power of nature for ourselves and our clients and what rewilding might look like
  • To learn about how to practice in Nature with individuals, couples and families

Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?

  • All health professionals, therapists counsellors from all modalities

How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?

  • Participants will learn about key theories and practices to inform their own whether or not they practice outdoors or indoors


This workshop will be recorded and you can use the ticket function to pre-purchase the recording before the event. This will be useful for colleagues who are not able to attend the event live and also for those who attend the event live and want to watch it again.


This workshop will be hosted on the Zoom meeting platform where we will use our cameras and microphones to interact with each other as a group.


The self-select fee is a radical inclusion policy to open learning for all colleagues. The guide price for this event is £20.00, however, we appreciate that income varies greatly in different locations and circumstances. Please contribute what you can to help us maintain inclusive professional training.


All the colleagues at ONLINEVENTS and the presenters we collaborate with are committed to working in a manner consistent with the BACP Ethical Framework, which can be accessed on the link below. When registering for this event you are agreeing to be present and interact in a manner that is consistent with this Framework.


Chiara Santin

Chiara Fortina Santin is an Italian woman in her fifties. Born in a middle-class family near the Italian Alps and lakes, she landed in Sussex, (UK) in her adult life with her partner, an academic and researcher, as economic migrants in search for jobs and a better future.

Chiara went to the University of Brighton and studied Social Science and Psychology, to pursue her passion for working with children, young people and their families in the community. She then worked ten years in Social Care whilst pursuing the Systemic and Family Therapy Clinical Master training which she completed in 2008. She also attained a qualification in Systemic Supervision in 2012.

Chiara has been teaching on systemic courses for twelve years, enjoying seeing students blossoming in their way of connecting to systemic ideas and apply them in their working contexts. As an independent systemic and family psychotherapist, she has been working with adoptive families since 2012. In the last seven years she has developed her ecosystemic practice in Nature and is passionate about depathologise, decolonise mental health support via Nature and community building. She is now more focused on nature-based therapeutic interventions, community work and ecosystemic online groups.

She loves colours, creativity, dancing, doing and making. She is committed to social justice, self-reflexivity, multiple languages and diversity in dialogue.

Chiara has written various articles and more recently she has published a book on Rewilding Therapy. Ecosystemic Theory and practice. Available on Amazon.

Website | www.rainbowcommunityprojects.co.uk/

Facebook | Rainbow CommUnity Projects

Instagram | rainbow.communityprojects

LinkedIn | Chiara Fortina Santin